Hi, I'm Sarah Ann. This is my story:
What I do:
I am a fitness professional who LOVES helping parents get and stay in the best shape of their lives during and after pregnancy.
I traded in my stilettos for sneakers back in New York City in 2007 and developed a love for personal training and group fitness. Soon after I started my personal training business, I became certified as a pregnancy and post-natal trainer from the American Congress of Gynecologists and Obstetricians. I'm proud to say that my customer service has won awards and I've been featured in many publications for my creative at-home style and for expertise in pregnancy fitness.
My certifications also include:
Mat Pilates
Indoor Cycling
Plyometric-based Yoga
BOSU balance training
Diastasis Recti Prevention
Postpartum Nutrition and Healing
More about my journey to fitness
(From last-picked to half-iron)
Why Pregnancy Fitness?
Coming back from my own injuries, I became fascinated with what the human body is capable of. When I became certified through ACOG and started working with more pregnant clients, I developed a new awe and respect of the changes
that women's bodies go through as they prepare for creating a new life. Now that I have 2 kiddos of my own, I'm incredibly passionate about serving new parents and giving them all the information they need so that they can be empowered in their own choices when it comes to prenatal and postpartum care.
How it Works:
Pregnancy and fitness training is NOT one-size-fits-all. As I'm sure you already know, each pregnancy is different! I work together with you to develop a training plan that incorporates your birth plan/actual birth experience, schedule, fitness goals, exercise history and anything else you need me to know. I take this information and create a customized workout plan that will help you accomplish your fitness goals and fit your schedule for sustainable and amazing results.
(Say it with me, Postpartum is Forever. Everyone will have a different journey in their recovery. For a complimentary workout that addresses abdominal separation, pelvic floor dysfunction, and is safe as soon as you are cleared, please click here.)
I work with my clients in 2 ways:
1- Via Online Consulting
You have the opportunity to book a 30 or 60-minute consultation with me where I can answer any questions you have and make sure you stay accountable. From there, I create a program based on your individual needs and preferences and send it along in a follow-along custom video. This is perfect for you if you have a current exercise program and need some small adjustments.
2- Monthly Online Personal Training
This is my most effective program that I offer in One or Three-Month packages. We will find a time for up to an hour each week when we will discuss your personal exercise goals and needs, and I'll design an easy-to-follow custom program to help you get there. You'll get a shared document with links to their custom videos, including additional PDFs, nutrition support, and helpful information. My clients get unlimited text and email support, so they stay accountable and have all the support they need.
You will also receive customized bonus materials as necessary. Stroller cardio programs? Recipes that fit your lifestyle and don't interfere with your food restrictions? Going on vacation and need a workout plan to keep you accountable? DONE.
To check availability, please click here:
Sarah Ann Kelly

I get it, Momma.
You're busy.
Maybe you work full-time at an office and come home to Momma-mode. By Friday you're burnt from both ends and you've barely got time to breathe.
Maybe you stay at home, but really you're all over the place- playing chauffer, coach, personal shopper, and spinning 20 different plates. Your schedule changes every day, and consistency is a myth you keep hearing about.
Or, maybe you're pregnant and the "body-after-baby" hype overloading your browser makes you more nauseaus, not motivated.
Either way,
I can help.