Oct 15, 20151 min read
Take One Thing OFF Your To-Do List
"Exercise is not a Chore - it's an Escape" - a direct quote from one of my clients (full-time account exec and mother of 2) ​ Sometimes,...
Oct 1, 20151 min read
Second/ Third Trimester Upper Body & Pelvic Floor
Workout with me! Get your swiss ball here: http://amzn.to/1UTQA44

Oct 1, 20151 min read
This is Why We Kegel
Ah yes. Not included in "the talk" about your body... Leakage is real. Oh yes... This new fun trend that started during your pregnancy is...

Sep 19, 20151 min read
Kitchen Sink Salads- Summer Edition
This past Summer was a little nuts for us... My husband and I had 5 weddings to attend, and being that we are from different parts of the...

Sep 12, 20151 min read
Your Weekend Workout! *6 Months Post-Natal and Up*
Do 4 rounds or as many as you can and MODIFY as needed. Have a GREAT weekend :)

Aug 31, 20152 min read
Play the Hand You Have - Your Weekly Motivation
Let's talk about the journey. One of the hardest things I have ever done would have to be the Wildflower 1/2 Ironman. It's a TOUGH course...

Aug 22, 20152 min read
Simple Recipes- Frittatas
Frittatas are my jam right now. They're so simple to make and easy to modify for whatever you have in your fridge. I used to bake...

Aug 19, 20151 min read
Shorter Mom = Shorter Pregnancy? New study from March of Dimes.
Hey Mommas. This study from the March of Dimes Foundation just came in my inbox. The study found that "shorter mothers have shorter...

Aug 14, 20151 min read
Summer Inspired Recipe: Watermelon and Feta Salad with Grilled Tofu
We had friends over this past weekend and I ended up with a ton of extra watermelon. As delicious as it is on it's own, I decided to...

Aug 8, 20151 min read
Recipes- Mediterranean Spinach Squares
Okay, so I totally stole this recipe from my cousin. (Sorry Aimee....) But seriously, they are SO good I had to share. They take...