Easy & Fast Skillet Frittatas
40 minutes max
So I'm ALL about fast meals these days... my class schedule has been filling up with many teachers out of town and my client dance card is nearly full. Which is amazing... but I need the "Me Time" too! Here's what I've been making all Summer long for lunches and quick dinners. Feel free to use this as a guide and let me know what you come up with!
Step One: Heat your cast iron over medium-high heat and your oven to 400 degrees
Step Two: Chop up WHATEVER you want. I'm really into summer squash, garlic, leeks, cherry tomatoes, and spinach, only because it's what I'm getting at the farmers market. You can add whatever you have in your fridge and cook accordingly.
Step Three: Toss your chopped veggies or whatever you got into your cast iron with some oil or butter and sautee to your liking.
Step Four: While that's cooking, make your egg mix. I'm a fan of using about 6 eggs with a splash of water or milk, salt, and pepper. I've also added some fun seasonings based on what I'm making. Whisk that all together and pour it over your skillet when your vegetables are cooked. Add cheese if you like (I just sprinkle some feta or shredded stuff on top... you end up using FAR less and taste all of it...)
Step Five: (HERE IS THE TIME SAVER!!!) I used to bake my frittatas for about 45 minutes and let me tell you, nothing sucks more than praying your eggs are fully cooked before serving them to a hungry and hangoverAF brunch crowd. Cook the frittata on the stove until it's less bubbly (normal!) and starting to firm. This takes about 8-10 minutes and I use this time to put everything away. Then transfer the skillet into your hot stove and cook for another 10 or until golden brown on top. I use a gigantic omelette spatula to transfer this bad boy over into a pie pan and serve it over some greens. Enjoy! I hope I've saved you some time.Please let me know what your favorite recipes are!!