Get your $$s worth- how to make the most out of your personal training sessions
So, you’ve made the plunge.
You’ve hired a professional and you want the results and expertise that come with us. Yet many of us trainers and instructors see our clients fail month after month despite every effort we make to build
the most effective hour in our workouts.
Don't fall into that crowd.
Here are my top tips for getting the most out of personal training:
Set goals WITH me.
(Yes, even if you're pregnant.) The big goal that you’re working towards is going to take months to achieve so set a few small ones that we can work with.
The reason I say set goals with your trainer is so they are realistic and fit best into your BIG goal. So say- one of my clients needs to lose 10lbs before getting pregnant but doesn't to exercise. A smaller goal that would best support her bigger goal would be to try 5 different group fitness classes in 2 weeks and pick a favorite that she can use to supplement our sessions.
Setting smaller goals with a trainer will help you acheive milestones along the way with the extra support of a professional. It's my job to help you hit these, and it will keep our sessions fun and motivating.
Be honest.
Here’s the deal- I have clients that refuse to do their cardio, overdo it on the weekends, and survive on macaroni and cheese and they still get results.
Lying will get you literally nowhere.
Reason being? I take it into consideration when I build personal training programs. If we know your weaknesses we can manipulate certain training variables and advise you in a different direction.
If you lie to me, I can’t help you.
Take measurements, and keep them nearby
Tracking your results will keep you and your trainer accountable.
I usually do a tape measurement, check body fat percentages, and take pictures. This shows me that you are getting results and that I'm programming our sessions appropriately. If a measurement is going in the wrong direction, we can take action to fix it.
Numbers don’t lie, and you have proof!
Yes, on time. Bonus points if you show up 15 minutes early to warm up so we can begin immediately. We trainers book our calendars to the minute, so we can't accommodate for lateness.
ASK Questions.
You have me for an hour, get everything you need!
The clients who get the most out of our time together are constantly asking my opinion on fitness products, articles they’ve found online, have me explaining proper technique, etc. When you sign up with a trainer you are signing up for all of the experience and knowledge they posess, use it!
Even the simple stuff of "how should I warm up before our session?" or "what's the best sports bra to buy?" could save you time and $$. If I can't answer it during the session, I'll follow up.
Get some solo time
Unless you are working together 5x per week, you’ll need to train on your own. All of my clients get access to my bonus library (cardio programs, athome workouts, abdominal exercises), and
any trainer worth their salt should be providing you with the same.
Ask in advance for programs that you can do in between sessions.
Go to bed!
Let's face it- sleep is a major peice of the wellness pie.
Your trainer is going to push you harder than you would push yourself. If your muscles aren't recovering, you're not going to get results. Make sure you get extra shuteye after your sessions... and get enough sleep before your early AM ones!
Be smart about your diet
It's 20% exercise, 80% food. You can't blame a trainer you see 1-2 hours a week if your diet is crap.
Ask for help.
Most trainers have a basic understanding of nutrition. It's a major part of nearly all national training group fitness and personal training certfication programs, so unless it's been a while, we can point you in the right direction.
** One thing a personal trainer can NOT do is "prescribe" you a dietary plan. We can only make suggestions. Anyone selling you on a "diet plan" other than a nutritional guide, dietary reference, or food tracker, is either selling you something or a FaKe.
Stay on my radar
Yes, you pay for an hour, but the best trainers will give you weekly support.
Most of my clients know that I will respond to their outside questions within 24 hours. Social media is another way to stay on your trainer's radar. Personally, I love it when a client tags me in a status or comments on my stuff because it shows me they're dedicated!
I hope this helps you in all of your fitness endeavors!
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