Cranberry Pecan Breakfast Bars

So, I straight up stole this recipe from "Get in my Belly" on Facebook.(...thaaannkks... !)
Am I the only one who friggin loves these cooking videos?? I'm so obsessed. I'll watch an entire video for a Chicken Marsala recipe and I don't. eat. chicken....
This is the first FB cooking video I've attempted and I put a MomTrainer spin on it :)
For starters, I didn't have fresh berries. I also prefer a a healthier way to start my morning. (As in, no butter, less sugar, more fiber). With these recipe modifications a serving (2 bars) will run you barely 250 calories, 9 grams of healthy fats, and 8 grams of protein.
(Original recipe is posted at the bottom, in case you're curious)
Here are my modifications for these delicious Cranberry Pecan Breakfast bars:
1) Heat your oven to 350:
2) In a large bowl, combine:
1 1/2 cups oats (I used steel cut... but I honestly think rolled would be better for these ....)
1/4 tsp baking powder
3 tbsp brown sugar
1/4 cup (or 2 generic scoops) whey protein powder (I used
Body Do Over french vanilla... it's super sweet with no sugar and blends really well. I would add more sugar or sugar substitute just in case your protein powder isn't sweet...)
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp salt
3) Whisk all of the above to combine and set aside
4) In a small bowl combine:
1 egg (beaten)
1 1/2 cups almond milk (or any milk you prefer! I used the unsweetened vanilla kind)
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 tbsp coconut oil, melted
5) Whisk all of your wet ingredients together until well blended, set aside.
6) Spray a 9x9 pan with a veggie spray or lightly pat with coconut oil.
7) Layer half of your dry mix in the pan and spread evenly.
8) Sprinkle in cranberries, pecans, and chia seeds.
9) Layer the remaining half of the dry oat mix
10) Drizzle your wet mix over the pan and give it a little shake to spread it around evenly. Top with any extra cranberries, cinnamon, or brown sugar if you like.
11) Bake at 350 degrees for 40-45 minutes, or until golden brown on top and firm.
12) ENJOY!
Let me know in the comments section if you've tried these and make sure to subscribe to for more recipes like this. Yum!!

For the original recipe please go here
For more info on BodyDoOverShow protein, please go here (full disclosure, I am a fan and friend of John, but trust me I will never recommend something without trying it and believing in it first!)