So.... you haven't heard from me in a while.
Or you have, but my posts haven't seemed very inspired.
Or you're missing all of my videos on instagram.
a) Sorry.
b) I'm pregnant.
(I can't believe I just typed that!)

(Oddest cucumber I've ever harvested...
and the size of our unborn nugget!)
Now, as I type this I know I probably won't be sharing this post for a while... but I'm assuming many of you will understand!
Well. Ladies, this has been a LIFESTYLE change.
Here is my story. (I'll be sharing these more personal posts from time to time... if you're opposed to TMI... please keep scrolling! I'm sure there is enough to keep your eyes entertained :)
We had a long rough time getting here.... I do have a post on our struggle with conceiving but I'm not emotionally ready to share that quite yet. (I'm hoping I'll have the big-girl panties to share once my hormones die down...?)
Here are the questions I've been asked since becoming (and staying!!!) pregnant:
How am I feeling?
Pretty great! Elated! Exhausted! Very blessed to never have gotten sick in my first trimester!
What have I learned since being pregnant myself?
Well. I'm tired. Tired like it's Friday night after teaching 25 classes per week and I've been up since 5am.... but there's no nap that will end this. My poor husband has taken over pretty much all of my household duties..... raise your hand if you can't wait for this pregnancy to be over and you've just started your second trimester!!
Fruit!! (I try to keep it to 2-3 servings per day.... I crave it all day and night) and weird ones... I've never liked cheesecake (except for the toppings) and it's my new 1x per weeks splurge. I doubt I've had blue cheese dressing since I was 8 and I can't get enough of it.
Chemical smells, anything processed, salty foods, yogurt.
Not really. I am extremely lucky.
Here we go.... so.... I have low blood pressure and mild hypoglycemia to begin with... and now it's a challenge. (Especially since anything that tastes salty I have no appetite for, usually that would help prevent dizziness associate with it).
I work at a health club that offers a blood pressure cuff, and I noticed that during exercise my BP was 88/45... far below the 120/80. (That's how I started thinking this baby finally stuck!)
I do get dizzy when I stand up, so I've been modifying my workouts. My boobs are super sore so I'm avoiding high impact exercise and running is out of the question. I keep some dried fruit with salty almonds (blech!) in my purse at all times to prevent dizziness and I'm drinking a LOT of water.
How much weight have you gained?
I've actually lost weight. (No, I'm not trying to #humblebrag here, it's been very concerning!) Turns out if you quit drinking, sleep all day, and your favorite late-night treats make your stomach turn, you'll drop weight fast. (No, I'm not encouraging "dieting through your pregnancy".)
So far I've lost 10lbs. My doctor says it's fine.... I know many women who have lost weight from "morning" sickness in their first trimester. I'm assuming that I'll be gaining more in subsequent trimesters. Or, this was just my body's natural way of getting itself to a happy pregnancy weight. (I'll cover this more later.) I'm trying to keep my calories up with healthy fats, pescetarian proteins, and plenty of veggies.
I'll share my experiences with you along the way. I'm so grateful to be joining the mom-club, finally! These posts will be more personal, so feel free to add some of your own experiences and questions to the comments section.