Curb Your Pregnancy Cravings: Blueberry Oat Pancakes
I have never craved sweets so much in my life.
So, normally I am a "savory" taster. Give me truffle salt, cheeses, weird food combos, and snazzy pickles. Never in my life have I walked by a donut shop and thought "I will eat all of that RIGHT now"... until now. The tray of $5 donuts at the grocery taunts me with every entrance. I have to divert my eyes. It's sad.
Oh pregnancy.
I feel like this is training me for parenthood. As in, I have to be the adult and make the smarter, healthier choice. So, it's frozen yogurt over full-fat ice cream, portioning and savoring my servings when I do indulge in mini "to-go" cheesecakes (had NO idea that was a even a thing before pregnancy, and no I've never even liked cheesecake), "just saying no", choosing fruit over cake, forcing down my dinner before dessert... you get the idea. You know, like how you feed your toddler.
Very rarely do I ever make pancakes, but I do indulge myself from time to time on a Sunday morning.

My husband and I walked down to the farmers market and got some fresh produce for the week and blueberries.
If you are also a pregnant lady or a regular person fond of Sunday morning pancakes, check this out! I found this amazing recipe on my fitness pal for oatmeal pancakes. I felt like I could do with a little fiber and this recipe calls for very little sugar.
I added brewer's yeast for the extra iron and vitamins, and an extra tablespoon of brown sugar to disguise it. (Still less than anything else I found online). I subbed out coconut oil for butter, added extra cinnamon, a scoop of vanilla protein powder, and blueberries.

You'll need
1 cup nonfat buttermilk *
(Trick here... seriously WHO has buttermilk?? Use 1 cup milk or milk-alternative, add 1 tbsp vinegar or lemon juice, stir, and wait 5 mins. I love this tutorial from The Kitchn, they explain it better than I can.)
2 tablespoons coconut oil
1 large egg
1/2- 1 cup blueberries
Melted peanut butter, whipped cream, or syrup to top
Create your buttermilk (if not using buttermilk)
Combine the first 9 ingredients with a whisk in a small mixing bowl
In a large bowl, combine everything else with besides blueberries and topping.
Gently whisk in your dry to your wet ingredients
Fold in your blueberries
Now we pancake:
Heat a skillet to medium heat and coat with cooking spray
Spoon in 1/4 cup or desired pancake size
(*** Here's my trick that I learned about halfway through. These guys don't rise as much as "normal" pancakes. SO if you add ingredients, you'll have to flatten out your cakes a little bit after the flip in order to get them to cook all the way through and avoid unruly blueberries all over your skillet.
Use your spatula to distribute berries evenly. Allow to cook until sides are bubbly. Flip over, and gently press the spatula to the top of your cake to "flatten" your berries.
Cook until both sides are golden brown
Serve immediately and top as desired.

Eat with S/O in front of Netflix and promptly fall asleep on couch.
Enjoy :)